Adam Lane
Principal Technical Consultant

Before Bioregional
I was a mechanical building services engineer for ~10 years, before joining Greengauge for 7 years, where my role straddled building services and building physics, both on newbuild projects like Goldsmiths Street, and also historic retrofit projects.
I developed a love for low-energy design and PHPP Modelling, and I am now a Certified Passivhaus Designer. I spent the last 2 ½ in the sustainability team with Hoare Lea, learning, delivering and reviewing all things relating to Building Regulations Part L1/L2, Part O and Residential Operational Energy Modelling.
When I'm not at work
You'll find me playing rock guitar, occasionally sailing, following England & Bath Rugby, volunteering at my local nature reserve and lifeboat station, as well as trying to be the best Dad to my daughter Beatrix.