The challenge
Green building in South Africa, without incorporating lifestyle changes that One Planet Living promotes, currently costs on average only 5% more than conventional building. And One Planet Living can go small, as the 5×4 project in Melbourne, Australia proved. So, we knew our refurbishment project could be done – we just had to work out how.
In May 2017, Build It, a full service builder’s merchant in South Africa, offered Bioregional South Africa R50,000 (about £3,000) of ‘in-kind support’ for the refurbishment project. We also got advice from architectural technologist Craig Hols, who agreed that we could meet our aims – provided we were a little bit creative with our limited resources. But isn’t that what One Planet Living is all about?
We agreed with Build It that we would use half the prescribed budget as ‘in-kind’ building materials – paint, plaster, ceiling materials, roof repair items and the like. With a little persuasion, head office of Build It agreed that we could use the other half of the contribution, in cash, to pay local contractors to do the actual refurbishment work and for some supply items that its store did not stock.