Nicole Lazarus
Principal Consultant - One Planet Living

I have been at Bioregional for 25 years. Based at our Oxfordshire regional office in the NW Bicester Eco Town, my work spans the Sustainable Business team, One Planet Living and occasionally helping out in the Sustainable Places team.
I sit on the Board of the multi-million-pound Oxfutures II programme, funded by ERDF and led by the Low Carbon Hub to grow Oxfordshire’s low carbon economy.
I’m proud to have been listed in Building Magazine’s Top 50 rising stars of sustainability for 2012 and was a finalist in the Outstanding Women in Construction Awards 2014.
Before Bioregional
With a civil engineering background, I can claim a part in delivering the Jubilee Line tunnel in London and a few hydro dams. I became a Newbury bypass tree protester during the hard winter of 1995-6, after which I travelled in British Columbia, working on a cattle ranch for two years. My alfalfa hay won first prize at the Rock Creek Fall Fair in 1997.
When I'm not working
I am most often to be found next to a log fire somewhere with a bunch of friends and a guitar, solving the world’s problems through song and yattering.