How we helped Burlodge meet new NHS procurement legislation
Burlodge specialises in meal delivery solutions for hospitals, schools, prisons and care homes. Burlodge is a key supplier to the NHS, providing it with advanced meal delivery systems in hundreds of hospitals throughout the UK.
The challenge:
As part of NHS England’s new legislation, all NHS suppliers require an NHS Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) and Net-Zero Commitment to maintain their supplier status beyond 2024, and our support enabled Burlodge to successfully complete and achieve an Evergreen Assessment Level 2.
How we helped:
As a first step, Bioregional produced Burlodge’s carbon footprint, covering scope 1, 2 and 3. We then worked with Burlodge to develop a carbon reduction plan that would meet all the NHS supplier requirements, and set out all the carbon reduction measures that will help Burlodge achieve its emissions reduction targets.
To ensure NHS supplier compliance, we ensured that Burlodge’s CRP covered:
- A commitment to net zero by 2050 for UK operations as a minimum.
- Baseline and current emissions for scope 1, 2 and 3 adhering to the GHG protocol (scope 3 categories 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 at minimum).
- Emissions in CO2e for all 7 greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol.
We then set science-based targets, ensuring Burlodge’s ambitions will be SBTi-aligned.

Bioregional’s expert team were instrumental in creating our baseline carbon footprint and NHS CRP, which included a net-zero workshop to engage our team, along with supporting the final submission to ensure it was water-tight and met all the NHS supplier criteria. We are now gaining valuable insights into the environmental impacts of our operations, and we can now implement sustainable practices in the precise places where they will make the biggest impact.
Daniela Triolo, Business Assistant, Burlodge
The impact:
Beyond the immediate gains of meeting NHS requirements for suppliers, Burlodge now has a science-based carbon reduction glidepath that will ensure it reaches net zero, in line with a 1.5c planet.
Burlodge now has clear actions to take and goals to achieve at both the 2030 and 2045 milestones across key areas such as buildings, transport and suppliers.
The glidepath models the following across the near-term scope 3 targets for 2030:
- Energy use of products reduced
- Reduced plastic purchases
- Reduced freight emissions
- Switch to low GWP refrigerant in products
- Supporting major suppliers to engage on an emissions reduction path aligning with net zero
Interested in our NHS CRP support?
Get in touch below, or click here to book an intro call.